If You Have Annoying, Persistent Knee Pain, Please READ THIS.
From our combined experience of nearly 50 years helping people overcome knee pain, we have created an online program that unravels the mysteries of joint pain and helps people get on an active, action oriented path to healing.
- DD Kelsey, PT, PhD Laurie Kertz Kelly, MPT
Better Knees for Life™
An organized, step-by-step online program designed to help you take charge of your knee joint health and start enjoying life again.
Build strength from the inside-out.
Conventional approaches for knee pain focus on building muscle strength - the quadriceps muscles - while skipping over an underlying weakness - the surface of your joint. Better Knees for Life™ does both. You'll learn how to improve the health of your knee joint AND strengthen your muscles.
Simple, easy to follow exercises.
You'll learn the WHAT, WHY, and HOW of each exercise with video tutorials and can perform the exercises by following along with Laurie Kertz Kelly.
See and feel your progress.
You'll learn how to create key benchmarks that you will track over time providing you with extra motivation and a sense of accomplishment.
Get Your Questions Answered and Find the Solution for You.
If you've struggled with knee joint pain, stiffness, swelling and/or aching, maybe you've tried medications, physical therapy, injections, acupuncture, stretching, massage or other things without much lasting improvement.
What's going on? Why does this happen?
When you're at a medical doctor appointment, say an orthopedist, is it reasonable to assume that you could get answers and specific directions for your particular knee pain?
Of course it is.
But what happens most often, is the time you spend with the doctor is remarkably short and he or she will often say something like, "Well, there's nothing on x-ray or MRI that can explain your pain so you probably have arthritis and just have to learn to live with it."
You might get a prescription for an anti-inflammatory drug, maybe a referral to a physical therapist or even a simple sheet of exercises with no instruction.
Has this happened to you?
It's happened to thousands of the clients we've helped. Their stories are stunningly similar.
So you're left on your own to navigate the web searching for answers without understanding the nature of the problem.
What happens when you try to solve a problem when you don't know what the problem is?
A path that's filled with inconsistent results followed by frustration, irritation, and a sense of hopelessness.
We created Better Knees for Life™ to help people learn about and understand their particular knee joint problem and to guide them through the steps needed to restore function and an active life.
And, as a member, you'll get access to our bi-monthly, hour long Question and Answer sessions. When was the last time you could spend an hour with a professional listening to questions you and others have and get answers and explanations?
Probably never, right?
Simple Tools, Clear Instructions, and Community
One of the benefits of being a Better Knees for Life™ member is you'll have access to a members only online community.
This is a venue where you can share successes, struggles, learn what other people have gone through, found helpful and gain some additional support.
You're not alone when you join Better Knees for Life™!
Here’s what people are saying about
Better Knees for Life™
Benefits that Last a Lifetime
“BKL focuses on nourishing and strengthening knee cartilage to help assure that I will be able to maintain an active lifestyle for my entire lifespan.
I am pleased to see improvement in knee function following a training-related injury, but I am now realizing that the BKL program will have benefits that will last a lifetime as I follow this well-defined program.”
Richard J. DeRisio - BKL member
Trustworthy Advice
"I find it encouraging that BKL is a low- pressure and non- competitive program with the sole interest of providing trustworthy advice and measures that improve knee health.
Better Knees for Life is an affordable, well-designed physical therapy program designed to safely help people improve the health of their knees."
Joan Engelsgaard - BKL member
About Your Coach
Laurie Kertz Kelly, MPT
Laurie's Bio:
- Bachelor's of Science in Mathematics (1999)
- Master of Physical Therapy (2001)
- Began studying with Doug Kelsey, PT, PhD (2004)
- Certified in Target Tissue Training, a scientifically based prescriptive exercise method developed by Doug Kelsey, PT, PhD (2008)
- Board certified in Orthopedics by the American Physical Therapy Association (2010)
- Previous clinical manager of an outpatient orthopedic clinic
- Conducted over 2,500 consultations & over 33,000 training sessions with clients who want to enjoy an active life.

Learn How to Build Healthier Knees and Restore Your Active Life...Even If You've Been Told You Can't.
Building healthier, stronger knees is a process which starts with you. Learn, test, apply your knowledge, adjust and do it a pace that works for your life.