How Often Are You Dancing?


Truth be told, only in the privacy of my music room…alone…in the dark.

I think my dancing is best summarized by this:

[youtube_sc url=”” autohide=”0″ rel=”0″]

But, there’s a solution.


These are pair of shoes that a parent wears while dancing with his or her child – from Finland.

It’s one of those things that you stumble onto while doing something else and some part of your brain suddenly chugs into gear clicking and clacking away.

I’m thinking…my wife could teach me.

I just stand on the shoes and she does the work.


I learned from helping people overcome an injury, that at least for some part of the process, it’s a lot like letting your kid stand on your feet while you dance.

You need some regular sorts of movements, walk straight ahead, back, sideways, so you can once in a while throw in something unexpected. That’s when kids laugh, right? They don’t laugh much as you just plod along foot after foot. No. They laugh when you swirl, or surge, or hop, or take a huge, gigantic step.

That’s thing about health and fitness that sometimes people miss. You need some swirls, surges, and huge gigantic steps.

You need some surprises.

Yes, do your training. Show up. Do the work. But do some other stuff too…walk someplace you haven’t walked in a while. Visit a park, go swing on a swing set, play a little Frisbee. Do something that will surprise you.

And now that I think about it, isn’t surprise one of the better things in life?

Are you working in enough surprising moments? Daily? Weekly? Monthly?