The Ultimate Power Meal in Less Than 20 Minutes

What can you eat that gives you a good dose of protein, fat, glucose-friendly carbs, fills you up, tastes fantastic, and doesn’t take an hour to make?

Well, some of you might have guessed a Power Smoothie. True. But I was thinking of something you have to chew (which just happens too be really good for your jaw joints by the way).

How about a Power Salad?

I have one of these several day per week. Let’s get after it.

What You Need and Why

The ultimate fat burning meal in less than 20 minutes

Spinach and Mixed Greens – One cup of spinach gives you 58 micrograms (meg) of folate. Consuming at least 300 meg of folate per day reduces your chances of having a stroke by 20% and lowers your risk of heart disease by 13%. And, it helps your brain protecting against Alzheimer’s and certain cancers.



Carrots – Carrots are a great source of Vitamin A known to aid vision, bone strength, and reduce the risk of cancer.




The ultimate fat burning meal in less than 20 minutesTomatoes – Tomatoes provide you with lycopene – a carotenoid present in the skin, liver, adrenal glands, lungs, prostate and colon. It’s known for anti-oxidant properties. Men – you can reduce oxidative DNA damage to prostate tissues with 30 mg of lycopene.



The ultimate fat burning meal in less than 20 minutes

Cheese – A good blend of protein, calcium, Vitamin D, and fat. Four to six cubes of your favorite cheese will do it.





The ultimate fat burning meal in less than 20 minutesChunk Light Tuna (or chicken breast or turkey) – Tuna is a great source of protein at 22 grams with just 3 ounces and contains no trans fat while serving up 11 mg of heart-protecting niacin. Niacin helps lower cholesterol and also helps your body oxidize (burn) fat.




The ultimate fat burning meal in less than 20 minutesNuts – specifically, almonds. About two tablespoons. A good source of vitamin E which has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.




The ultimate fat burning meal in less than 20 minutesExtra Virgin Olive Oil – High in monounsaturated fat – a good fat – olive oil will help you feel full and boost testosterone levels. Science shows that men with diets higher in monounsaturated fat (and saturated fat) have higher levels of both bound and free testosterone than when on a low fat diet. You don’t need much – one to two tablespoons should be plenty.


This Power Salad – a real power meal – will take very little time to assemble and packs a tremendous nutritional punch. While you may not want to eat a one every day, after a few times though, you might change your mind. 🙂

How to Eat Your Way to Fewer Wrinkles and a Sharper Mind - Doug Kelsey says

[…] steps are best. Try adding a few of these foods into your daily regimen rather than overhauling it. If you enjoy salads, check this one out. You won’t turn the clock back 20 years but you can help yourself look and feel better going […]

Noraeddings says

YUM! This sounds right up my alley! 🙂

Jimtigerpt says

Ok, I will have to admit, I really do not enjoy eating vegetables. There are a few I like and I tend to stick with those. Kind of like DK with his dislike of spinach. But the combinations of the ingredients listed in the power salad is someone that I think I would like. Eating some of these ingredients alone kind of turns my stomach but the combination of these sounds pretty good. Eating dry carrots alone? Don’t think so. But when you combine the ingredients, makes it taste very good. Kind of like putting the spinach in a power smoothie when you cannot taste it. That is something that I have just about every day and is VERY habit forming. Now if only I would get in the habit of eating the power salad just half of the time I have the power smoothie, this would be considered a success! Now that sounds like a reasonable “plan”! Now, just to get off my butt and go to the store and get the goods….:-) that is the first step of course.

    DD Kelsey says

    Jimmy –

    If you want some extra motivation to “get the goods”, post what you eat on Twitter or Facebook. The public nature of it will more or less force you into a new habit. Even if you do it for just a week, I think you might be surprised how quickly it alters behavior.

Omar says

OK, I don’t have a specific Power Meal but I will lay another recipe on you. This was just a fortuitous mixture of ingredients we regularly have around our Fusion Kitchen. The ingredients are all good and I’ll leave it to the biologists among us to tell us why 🙂

1)Slice up an onion so it falls apart into strips and brown it in butter and a bit of salt in a frying pan.
2)Boil a whole bunch of sliced green beans, drain and add to onions, turn down heat.
3)Shake in about 3 tablespoons of fish sauce (a basic Thai seasoning)
4)Spoon in 2 heaping tablespoons of Almond butter
5)1/2 teaspoon of Thai Red Curry paste and mix it all together really well.
6)Toss with refined wheat pasta and enjoy!
7)#6 was a joke.

This makes a tasty side dish for just about any meaty main meal…..

    DD Kelsey says

    That’s something I will have to add!

Joe says

I love power salads and have been eating them just about every day for several years. My favorite protein source to add to the salad is salmon or hard boiled eggs. Along with the veggies you mention I also like to add broccoli florets, onions, and red pepper. Oh, and balsamic vinegar along with the EV olive oil.

BTW, DK, I like how you list the references with the scientific data that backs up your statements in all your posts. I wasn’t aware of the monosaturated/saturated fat relationship with testosterone.


Joe says

I love power salads and have been eating them just about every day for several years. My favorite protein source to add to the salad is salmon or hard boiled eggs. Along with the veggies you mention I also like to add broccoli florets, onions, and red pepper. Oh, and balsamic vinegar along with the EV olive oil.

BTW, DK, I like how you list the references with the scientific data that backs up your statements in all your posts. I wasn’t aware of the monosaturated/saturated fat relationship with testosterone.


    DD Kelsey says

    Thanks Joe! Great ideas!

    DD Kelsey says

    Thanks Joe! Great ideas!

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